On the invitation of GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF INDIA some of the executive members S/Sh O.S. Siroya, M.K. Somani, N.K Chauhan V.P. Sharma, Sunil Vashstha, S.N. Dodiya, B.S.Yadav and officers from DMG participated in inaugural function of the geoheritage site at Zawar on 8th June, 2023 to popularise and develop awareness amongst local residents the geological and metallurgical importance of the area with the theme of ” Zawar- a historical mining city. Honorable Sh Arjun Lal Meena, Vidhayak Udaipur Grameen along with Sh Takht Singhji, poorv Pradhan, was chief guest. The function was presided over by Sh Jayalal, Additional Director General & HOD, GSI, WR. The program was hosted by Sh Suresh Chander, Director, Zawar Training Institute of GSI. A short march around the site was also organised during the event.