With AMMENDMENTS up to 12.12.2022
“Mines are the source of treasury, from the treasury comes power to the State”.
Arthashatra ( Kautiliya)
Name: The Society shall be called “Geoscientists Society “having been registered under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act 1958 with registration No. 124/Udaipur/2006-07.
Headquarter: Headquarter of the Society shall be at Udaipur. Regional Chapters of the Society shall be opened at places where membership exceeds fifteen numbers.
Seal & Logo: The registered logo of the Society shall be circular in shape with the words “GEOSCIENTISTS SOCIETY” inscribed at the periphery encircling a world map with two geological hammers in the form of “X”
1. The Society solely functions as an independent organization of Geoscientists without any political alliance and ideology.
2. The Society shall maintain and promote fellowship fraternity and close cooperation amongst the geoscientists from various earth science organizations belonging to Government, Quasi Government, Academic / Research Institutions, Universities, Geological consultants and Mining Entrepreneurs etc.
3. It shall promote advancement of “EARTH SCIENCES” and strive for mineral development conservation of mineral resources along with protection of environment.
4. It shall function to dissipate information amongst its members and also the usefulness of Earth Sciences not only to mining and industrial entrepreneurs but also to all concerned individuals and organization engaged in other developmental activities.
5. It shall be the Society’s endeavor to publish a bi-annual “GEONEWS” and an “Annual Journal” highlighting the activities and developments in the field of geosciences within the country and abroad.
6. The Society shall function to protect and maintain a high degree of professional and ethical standards in geological and its allied disciplines.
1. The membership of the Society shall be open to:-
(a) All individuals (resident and non resident Indians and foreign nationals) having a post graduate degree or its equivalent in geology, geophysics and/or any other discipline of geosciences, retired from the post of geoscientist and post graduate student.
(b) Professional institutions/organizations.
(c) Individuals working for mineral development/ environmental protection and similar disciplines in conformity with aims and goals of the Geoscientists society as Associate member
2. The membership of the Society shall be categorized as (i) Life member, (ii) Annual member, (iii) Student membership, (iv) Institutional Member, (v) Associate member and (vi) Honorary member.
3. Besides the above mentioned memberships, if any geoscientists, who by his outstanding knowledge, experience or a recognized contribution (discovery of valuable mineral resource in India or his significant services rendered for promoting the development of earth sciences, may be conferred upon “Honoris Causa”. Such member shall be provided the status of Honorary member.
4. The HODs of various organizations/ institutions engaged in mineral development activities such as DDG, GSI, ADG, DMG, Chief Hydrogeologist, GWD, HODs of Post graduate University Departments of Geology shall also be provided the status of Honorary member. Resolution to this effect shall however be passed by an absolute majority in the executive committee of the society.
- The membership of the Society shall be discontinued or cease permanently or temporarily for anact of non–compliance of bye-laws of the Society. Resolution to this effect shall however be passed by an absolute majority in the general body of the society.
1. The Society shall strive for the achievement of the objectives as mentioned under article III.
2. If felt necessary exhibitions shall be held for the benefit of mineral industry, geologists and the public in general.
3. The Society shall organize lectures, seminars, field trips, technical films shows etc. and also suggest sites for monuments of geological/geoscientific interests to the appropriate authorities for further needful.
4. The Society shall honor its members for their outstanding services in the field of mineral development and environment protection.
Organizational Setup and Functioning:
1. The Society shall function through an “Executive Committee” duly elected by its General Body
- Tenure of the executive committee shall be of two consecutive financial years commencing from 1st April every two years and ending on 31st March after two years. The election of the members of the Executive Committee shall be held at least two months to the end of the term of the existing Executive Committee.
- The executive committee shall comprise of the following members which may be amended, depending on the requirement, subject to approval in the General Body meeting:
Office Bearers
1. President : 1
- Vice President : 1+1 for each Regional Chapter
- Secretary : 1
4. Jt. Secretary : 1+1 for each Regional Chapter
5. Treasurer : 1
6 Chief Editor : 1
Executive Members
7. Members : 9 (7+2)
(Including President and Secretary of the outgoing Committee)
- The executive committee meeting shall ordinarily be held every month. The Secretary shall notify the time, date and venue of such meeting after seeking approval of the President at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting.
- The President shall be the chief executive of the Society. He shall preside at all the meetings of the Society. He shall get the orders and resolutions of the executive committee implemented effectively through the secretary and/ or other members appointed by the executive committee for the purpose. He shall sign all documents requiring signatures on behalf the Society
- In the absence of the President, Vice-President at the headquarter shall perform the functions of the President and shall exercise the powers conferred in the President.
- In case both , the President and the Vice-President are not available in a meeting, the members of the executive committee shall elect a chairman from among themselves to preside over only that particular meeting
- The quorum of the executive committee shall be of minimumeight including office bearers and members.
- The Secretary shall maintain a proper record of the memberships and various activities of the Society. He shall attend to all correspondence of the Society and shall issue timely notices preferably along with agenda (at least seven days prior to the date of meeting) of the meetings as provided in Bye-Laws. He shall have the custody of the seal of the Society and certify all documents wherever necessary. He shall submit minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee with action taken report and shall also submit the “Annual Report” at the time of General Body meetings.
- The Joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary in all works. In the absence of Secretary, the Joint Secretary, at headquarter shall assume the responsibilities of the Secretary. In case both Secretary and Jt. Secretary are not available, the President shall designate any member of the executive committee to discharge the duties of the acting Secretary during such period.
- The Treasurer shall receive all funds, payable or accruing to the Society and deposit the same to the credit of the Society in a nationalized bank. The Treasurer shall disburse the payment to the authorized persons or organizations after obtaining a proper receipt from such person/organization. Proper record of all receipts and disbursements shall be maintained in the accounts books which shall be operated jointly by the Treasurer and the President/Secretary. The Treasurer shall submit the financial report to the Secretary for each fiscal year for audit by an auditor.
- The financial year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March. The funds received against the fee of Life Members shall be kept as a reserve financial asset of the Society. This fund shall be available for developing immovable / infrastructural asset for the society. The day to day expenditure at the Society headquarters and Regional Chapters shall be met from the accrued interest thereof.
- The Chief Editor shall be responsible for bringing out proper and timely publication of the official news letters and journals etc. of the Society. For the assistance of the Chief Editor, the President shall constitute an editorial board.
- Any vacancy in the executive committee occurring between the two annual general body meetings shall be filled up by the adhoc nominations from the members of the Society after discussing the same with the Executive Committee.
- On account of failure to attend three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee by any member without prior information to the President / Secretary, the President shall have discretion to drop membership of such defaulter and will nominate new executive member
1. Elections for the posts of President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Joint Secretaries, Treasurer and executive members shall be held every two years.
2. The executive committee shall constitute an “Election Committee” comprising three members, of which two shall be nominated from amongst the members of the Society at large and one shall be nominated from the existing Executive Committee. Such Election Committee shall be constituted at least two months prior to the ensuing elections. Time and date for the elections and appointment of Returning Officer shall be communicated by the executive committee for conducting fair elections.
3. Members of the Election Committee shall also be eligible for contesting the elections, however they shall be allowed to file the nomination for only one post of the Executive Committee provided he resigns from the Election Committee and a new member is appointed in place of him.
- The right to vote and to hold an office in the Society shall be restricted to only such members who have completed membership of the Society for more than three months on the date of declaration of the elections.
- The elections shall be conducted under the supervision and control of a “Returning Officer” appointed by the Election Committee after ascertaining that all necessary election procedures have been adopted by the Election Committee. After counting of votes, the Returning Officer shall immediately communicate the election results to the chief of the Election Committee who in turn shall declare and communicate the results to all members of the Society without any delay.
- The new Executive Committee so elected shall be sworn in by the outgoing President and shall assume office and start functioning within 15 days from the declaration of the results
General Body Meetings:
1. Intimation of General Body Meeting of the Society, specifying the time, date and venue of the meeting and agenda of its business shall be communicated to all the members of the Society not less than 30 days before the date of meeting. However under an emergency requiring an urgent and immediate action on certain issues or on a written request for such meeting by at least thirty percent of the total members of the Society, an extra ordinary General Body Meeting of the Society may be convened by the Executive Committee at a shorter notice of not less than ten days.
2. The quorum for the general body meeting shall be 20 percent or one fifth of the total membership including office bearer of the executive committee. However, once the General Body Meeting has been commenced if some members stage a walk-out or are not present during the course of such General Body Meeting; it shall not be treated as inadequate quorum .However, no quorum shall be necessary for an adjourned meeting provided decisions shall be taken on notified agenda only.
3. In a General Body Meeting, discussions shall generally be restricted only on the agenda items circulated with the notice for that General Body Meeting, however fresh or new agenda items during the course of such meeting shall be taken up only after due permission of the Chair.
Powers to frame Bye-Laws:
1. The executive committee shall be empowered to frame or amend bye-laws in consistence of policies and objectives of the Society as deemed necessary for proper and effective functioning of the organization as a whole. However, new or amended by-laws should be approved in ensuing general body meeting.
Amendments in the constitution:
1. Any amendments in the constitution of the Society shall be required to be approved in the General Body Meeting of the Society.
2. Copy of proposed amendments shall be communicated to all members of the Society by the Secretary at least one month before the date of the General Body Meeting for approval.
3. The proposed amendments shall have to be approved by at-least 70 percent of the members present in the meeting and participating in the voting
Fees, Donations and Subscriptions:
1. Registration fee, yearly membership and life member ship fee shall be determined by the executive committee and will have its approval in the general body meeting.
2. The Society shall be grateful to receive donations from members or any other person or institution. Donations so received shall be utilized for the various beneficial activities of the society. The donor may however indicate the very specific purpose for which the donation is intended.
3. The donation can be in cash or kind and will be duly acknowledged by the Society. The executive committee shall decide subscriptions for any activity of the Society.
- The executive committee shall be empowered to decide and make investments for the benefit of Society from the funds received from other than registration and life membership fee.
Fee Structure:
The fees for the various categories for the membership of the Society shall be as follows:
- Registration fee: Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) to for all categories of memberships to be paid once only at the time of joining any membership of the Society.
- Annual Membership fee : Rs. 400/- (Rupees Four hundred only) annually for a period from 1st April to 31st March every year with a grace period of one month for payment of fee, after which membership will be automatically
- Life Membership/ Associate membership: A member can obtain the Life/ Associate Membership at one time payment of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees two thousand only) in single payment either in cash or by cheque or bank draft drawn in favor of “Geoscientists Society of Rajasthan’ payable at Udaipur.
- Student Membership: To encourage the students of Geoscience and considering a special case, the nominal fee for such category will be Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) per annum.
- Institutional Membership: Any institution or one business organization and individual may have such membership by making a single onetime payment of Rs.21000/- (Rupees Twenty thousand only) w.e.f. 2014 either in cash or by cheque or bank draft drawn in favor of “Geoscientists Society of Rajasthan’ payable at Udaipur.
- All the fees paid are non refundable.
- Those members who deposited their life membership fee up to 30.06.2006 shall be conferred as FOUNDER MEMBER of the Society.